What We Do

We undertake a wide range of projects and activities that aim to address the needs and aspirations of the tribal communities in Central India. Some of our key projects are:

  • Conservation of Traditional Knowledge Systems: We document and preserve the traditional knowledge systems of the tribal communities, especially related to their medicinal plants, agricultural practices, and cultural expressions. We also promote the use and dissemination of their traditional knowledge systems, and protect them from biopiracy and misappropriation.
  • Access and Benefit Sharing Partnerships Implementation: We facilitate the implementation of the access and benefit sharing (ABS) partnerships between the tribal communities and the users of their biological resources and associated traditional knowledge, as per the provisions of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002. We ensure that the tribal communities get a fair and equitable share of the benefits arising from the utilization of their resources and knowledge, and that their prior informed consent and approval are obtained.
  • Mushroom Cultivation: We promote mushroom cultivation as a source of income and nutrition for the tribal households. We provide training, inputs, and market linkages to the mushroom growers, and also facilitate the formation of self-help groups and cooperatives for collective bargaining and value addition.
  • NTFP Value Addition: We support the tribal communities in enhancing the value of the non-timber forest products (NTFPs) that they collect and use, such as honey, amla, mahua, sal, etc. We provide technical assistance, quality control, branding, and packaging services, and also connect them with the buyers and consumers, both locally and globally.

  • Carbon Credits: We help the tribal communities in earning carbon credits by conserving and restoring their forest lands, and by adopting low-carbon practices, such as renewable energy, organic farming, and waste management. We also assist them in registering and verifying their carbon projects, and in selling their carbon credits in the voluntary carbon market.
  • Human Wildlife Conflict Management: We address the issue of human wildlife conflict in the tribal areas, which poses a threat to the lives and livelihoods of the people and the wildlife. We implement various measures, such as fencing, deterrents, compensation, insurance, awareness, and education, to reduce the incidence and severity of the conflict, and to promote coexistence and harmony between the people and the wildlife.
  • Climate Change Advocacy: We advocate for the inclusion and recognition of the tribal communities in the national and international climate change policies and actions. We highlight their contributions and challenges in mitigating and adapting to the climate change, and demand their rights and entitlements in the climate finance and technology transfer mechanisms.
  • Livelihood Improvement and Rural Empowerment: We improve the livelihoods and empower the rural communities by providing them with various services and opportunities, such as skill development, financial literacy, financial inclusion, digital health, wellness, telemedicine, eco-friendly commutation solutions, monitoring and evaluation of government programs and schemes, etc.